
At Henlow Academy, students are not allow to carry medication or painkillers around with them unless agreed as part of an individual healthcare plan for conditions such as diabetes and asthma. This is for the safety of themselves and other students. If a student is required to take medication during the school day they can attend the front office where they will be given their medication/painkillers and asked to self-administer. Parents and carers must inform the academy in writing by completing the Parental agreement for a school to administer medicine form below .
Prescribed medication will only be given if it is in the original container from the pharmacy, clearly stating pupil/student name, D.O.B. name of medication and dosage to be administered. It must be in-date. If they have over the counter medication to take this will also be accepted if the parent/carer completed the permission form.
Epi-Pens should be in a plastic container, which is clearly labelled with pupil/student’s name, D.O.B & should contain the NHS Health Care Plan. Medications for the control of asthma, diabetes and allergies may be carried by students themselves, but must be used in a safe and responsible manner. Emergency supplies will be stored by the designated First Aid Co-ordinators room and be accessible at all times.
Parent/Carers are responsible for medications being delivered to the academy and collecting unused medication at the end of treatment. Prescribed medicines in the controlled drugs category will be held by the designated First Aid Co-ordinator in a locked, non-removable cabinet in the designated First Aid Co-ordinators room. When no longer required, medicines will be returned to the parent to arrange for safe disposal.