Wrap Around Care

Breakfast Club
We are pleased to be able to offer our pupils and parents a Breakfast Club which runs from 8 am - 8.30 am.
There is a range of healthy breakfast items available for pupils to enjoy. 
Please email Mrs Marshall at jmarshall@henlowacademy.org.uk if you would like to book a place at breakfast club. The cost of this session is just £2.50 per day.
Please drop children off by the blue corridor doors near the turning circle at the back of the school, no earlier than 8am.
Homework Club
Every day after-school until 5.00pm (Collection from side corridor near reception)

We are pleased to offer a FREE after-school homework club.

This is an opportunity for pupils to complete homework in a quiet work space. The club will be supervised and some support available. There will be access for pupils to laptops and the internet for appropriate research or to complete online tasks.