Design Technology

Design and Technology refers to any product that is man-made. The designers and manufacturers have undertaken the design process in order for the products to be made.  This is an area of study that focuses on planning, designing, evaluation and creating things which people use. I am sure you all can name several famous designers/inventors/manufacturers and their iconic products. You might even have some favourites?

This is a fun and creative subject with many transferable skills. Can you solve a problem? Can you incorporate your maths and science knowledge? Can you communicate your ideas verbally and through designing (sketches and IT software)? Can you analysis products? Can you relate to a target user group? Do you think about sustainability, the environment and the wider community? Can you think outside the box? Do you want to improve people's lives through good design and manufacture?

You will learn a variety of skills using the design process through some great projects. It is nice to see students make products that they have designed themselves. KS3 will be the foundation blocks for KS4 GCSE Design & Technology. This is where you will be expected to be more independent and have the ability to draw on your skills to design a major product from a theme set by the exam board.

Are you up to the challenge? These are exciting times ahead.

Key Staff
Mrs Sherman 
Head of Design and Food Technology
Mr Sherman
DT Technician